Planning an Egg Session?
Here’s what to expect
Check in to Customize
Check in with our staff so we can determine what colours and frequencies are most suited for you based on your intake form. Please note that initial Egg sessions are approximately 1.5 hours.
Dress Comfortably
We will provide a glass of fresh electrolytes water, as well as, a light blanket and 3 small weighted pillows for maximum comfort. For kids we have a fidget toy and visual timer.
SET your Intention
Set an intention to bring with you into the Egg. For example: “I want to bring health to my liver.” “I want to relieve stress and feel a sense of calm.” “I want to connect more with my intuition.”
Relax and Let Go
Once tucked inside the egg, recline in our zero gravity chair and prepare to escape, relax and just LET GO as you are bathed in 360 degrees of transformative sound, light and colour.
Please refrain from wearing strong scents.
Shoes & metal jewelry will be removed before your session.
Your first session includes a 30-minute initial consultation.
Expect a check-in text or call within 2-4 days.
While in the Egg …
Let your body relax in the zero gravity chair
Enjoy 40 minutes of ambient light and soothing music that will likely send you into a theta-wave state of deep relaxation and meditation.
10 minutes of silence following your 40 minutes in the egg, your colours and lights will remain but the sound will fade, granting you 10 blissful minutes of silence to integrate all of the benefits of your session.
Ending with a gentle bell at the 50 minute mark, one of our staff will slowly open the hatch to welcome you back to reality.
What to Expect for Distance A Session
Check in to Customize
Check in with our staff with a pre-session telephone call so we can determine what colours and frequencies are most suited for you based on your intake form.
Email a Photograph
Send us a picture of yourself along with your your full name and birthdate. In your email include your intention. This photo will be placed into the Egg during your session.
SET your Intention
Set an intention to bring with you into the Egg. For example: “I want to bring health to my liver.” “I want to relieve stress and feel a sense of calm.” “I want to connect more with my intuition.”
Relax and Let Go
Once your picture is tucked inside the egg we invite you to relax and just LET GO as your essence is bathed in 360 degrees of transformative sound, light and colour.
Even though you’re not present, you should be resting during the duration of the treatment.
Your first session includes an initial 15-30 minute phone consultation.
Expect a check-in text or call within 2-4 days.

After your session
Let the toxins out
Before you leave, sip on a complimentary glass of superior quality electrolytes, or even better, bring some home with you. Electrolytes help to detoxify and hydrate your physical shell. Remember to keep hydrated after you leave to help move toxins out.
Listen to your body
You might be tired or energized, emotional or calm. Everyone’s experience is different so honour that. You might notice physical or emotional shifts immediately or in the days following your session.
Take some space
Be sure to let your egg session integrate (.g. journal, discuss, create to process) and avoid piling on additional forms of energy work like acupuncture or reiki within 5-7 days of your session. Chiropractic is the exception. Many clients say their chiropractic adjustments hold much longer after an egg session!
Common questions
How many sessions do i need?
Clients may notice an improvement with a single session in the Harmonic Egg, but more often 3-10 sessions are necessary depending upon each individual client’s goals.
What if I need to exit the egg?
If you need to exit the egg for any reason or simply have a question, just ring the doorbell we provide you with and our staff will be there to assist.
Is there a weight limit?
When reclined in the zero gravity chair the maximum weight capacity for clients is 300 lbs. Please note this when booking a Caregiver and Child Session.